Thursday, November 14, 2013

Exercise: Beyond the Image

Today the photo group looked at some photographs we made a while ago. We decided to draw what our imaginations see beyond the image. In order of appearance: Janet, Jessica, Jon, and Megan.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013


The photo group will be exhibiting their PhotoVoice series at the Staunton Farm Foundation located in downtown Pittsburgh.

The opening reception is June 20 from 11:30am to 1:30pm. The photo group will be there to meet and talk with. Light refreshments will be served. We hope you can make it!

Presented by: The Staunton Farm Foundation
June 20, 2013 from 11:30 to 1:30pm
650 Smithfield Street, Suite 210
Pittsburgh, PA  15222

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Exercise: I see/feel/think

During our class on May 23, 2013, we did an exercise from the book Contemplative Photography. We talked about what we appreciate in our lives, then narrowed that down to what we appreciate in our photographs. The activity then tells us to consider three topics in this order:

1. I see (Describe:  examine each object, each detail, the light, etc. Then associate: what are you reminded of by the shapes, juxtapositions, etc.?)

2. I feel (What do you feel as you look at the image?)

3. I think (Interpret and analyze.)

Here is our result:

1. I see ads for a jewelry store.
2. I feel that people need to keep their businesses going because our economy is tough these days. So guys are buying nice things for their wives or girlfriends.
3. I think that it's good that there are businesses open in tough times.

1. I see pencils, books, and art supplies.
2. I feel good because I'm an artist.
3. I think this is a positive picture because it shows people can paint, draw, and read books.

1. I see a pillow case with my favorite character on it, and she is wearing my favorite color.
2. I feel good. I feel soft when I lay on my pillow. Pink makes me feel good.
3. I think about safety and being comfortable when I'm sleeping.

1. I see a window with a curtain that is in my favorite color. And I see wallpaper and shutters.
2. I feel I have more privacy with the shutters.
3. I think this photo is about being able to have more privacy.

1. I see a blue chair and one lamp.
2. I feel comfortable.
3. I think about quiet moments, relaxing, and peace.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Field Trip to Regent Square

On the morning of April 4, 2013, our group headed out to Regent Square for a photo shoot. Janet, Megan, Jon, Kurt and myself received new cameras for this occasion. We photographed words, shapes and patterns while sticking only to Braddock Avenue. We each finished our cameras in the short hour we had. Below are some similarities we noticed yet still keeping our individuality.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Group Meeting 1-17-13

Today we focused on our favorite color and how it pertains to the 5 senses. Below are photos pulled from each of our most recent rolls of film that show how our favorite color works with seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, and smelling. This exercise was challenging since we were working with older photographs. We would have much more control if this was a specific assignment, which I think we'll do in the near future!

Carla - emerald green - HEAR when lighting the candles of the Advent Wreath.

Carla - emerald green - TOUCH - roses have thorns on their green stems.

Carla - emerald green - SMELL - the Christmas tree smells of evergreen.

Janet - pink - SEE the pink horse, TASTE the pink lollipops, HEAR the pink horse, SMELL the pink candy, TOUCH the pink ornaments on the silver tree.

Jessica - blue - TOUCH the blue wrapped presents.

Jon - blue - SEE the blue sky.

Jessica - blue - SEE the blue sky.

Jon - blue - HEAR the phone in the blue reflection.

Jon - blue - SMELL the blue flowers.

Jon - blue - TOUCH the blue sweater.

Kurt - green - SMELL the green grass.

Kurt - green - TOUCH the green bushes. 

Kurt - green - SEE the green leaves.

Kurt - green - HEAR the green leaves in the wind.

Megan - pink - SEE the pink stripe of the pillowcase. 

Megan - pink - TOUCH the pink blanket.

Megan - pink - SMELL the pink flowers.

Megan - pink - TASTE the pink lemonade.

Carla - emerald green - SEE - the green hand shapes make the shape of the tree.