Friday, January 18, 2013

Group Meeting 1-17-13

Today we focused on our favorite color and how it pertains to the 5 senses. Below are photos pulled from each of our most recent rolls of film that show how our favorite color works with seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, and smelling. This exercise was challenging since we were working with older photographs. We would have much more control if this was a specific assignment, which I think we'll do in the near future!

Carla - emerald green - HEAR when lighting the candles of the Advent Wreath.

Carla - emerald green - TOUCH - roses have thorns on their green stems.

Carla - emerald green - SMELL - the Christmas tree smells of evergreen.

Janet - pink - SEE the pink horse, TASTE the pink lollipops, HEAR the pink horse, SMELL the pink candy, TOUCH the pink ornaments on the silver tree.

Jessica - blue - TOUCH the blue wrapped presents.

Jon - blue - SEE the blue sky.

Jessica - blue - SEE the blue sky.

Jon - blue - HEAR the phone in the blue reflection.

Jon - blue - SMELL the blue flowers.

Jon - blue - TOUCH the blue sweater.

Kurt - green - SMELL the green grass.

Kurt - green - TOUCH the green bushes. 

Kurt - green - SEE the green leaves.

Kurt - green - HEAR the green leaves in the wind.

Megan - pink - SEE the pink stripe of the pillowcase. 

Megan - pink - TOUCH the pink blanket.

Megan - pink - SMELL the pink flowers.

Megan - pink - TASTE the pink lemonade.

Carla - emerald green - SEE - the green hand shapes make the shape of the tree.

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